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September 20, 2024


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Use of Force: The Policing of Black America 2022

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Use of Force: The Policing of Black America 2022

Police killings of unarmed black and brown men and women have brought relations between law enforcement and communities of color to an all-time low. What is happening? How can we solve this epidemic? USE OF FORCE is a documentary that delves into the fatal encounters between police and people of color in America. The film will highlight the personal stories of victims like George Floyd, Philando Castile, Eric Garner and others who have been killed by the police. The documentary will take an in-depth look into the history of encounters between police and communities of color; chronicle the journey of the victims’ families as they take on the effort to combat police brutality; provide commentary from thought leaders about the policies and tactics enacted by law enforcement; and debate the politics of our country regarding the use of deadly force by law enforcement.

Use of Force: The Policing of Black America 2022


  • Documentary

Release Date: Jan 14, 2022

Language: English

Subtitle Language: English


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